Speech Therapy
Our Speech Language Pathologists possess knowledge and additional trainings in the following areas...
Language disorders impair a person's ability to formulate, process, and express their thoughts and ideas out loud, or in written form. "Language" is an umbrella term that encompasses many specific skills including prelinguistic skills (e.g., joint attention, sharing interest, etc.), para-linguistic skills (e.g., gestures, signs, body language), listening, understanding, reading and literacy, using words appropriately, producing age-appropriate phrases or sentences, engaging with peers socially, and using age-appropriate grammar. We guide families in helping children unlock his/her inner voice.
Feeding disorders may or may not be accompanied by problems with swallowing, but typically include picky eating, behaviors disruptive to meal-times, aversions to certain food textures or types of foods, failure to use developmentally appropriate utensils, and less than typical growth or weight. Swallowing disorders (also called dysphagia) involves difficulties with various phases of swallowing (e.g., oral, oral-pharyngeal, pharyngeal, esophageal). Causes may be due to delayed or disordered chewing, limited sensation, difficulties drinking, ect. and could be accompanied by symptoms of gagging or vomiting.
Fluency disorders are frequently referred to as, "stuttering," and is characterized by a disruption in the flow of speech, including sound prolongations, repetitions, and/or blockage of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases. Disfluent speech is experienced by everyone on occasion and is considered normal, but we can help to determine if treatment is necessary through a thorough assessment that includes speech fluency, language factors, emotional/attitudinal components, and the impact that stuttering has on an individual's life.
Social delays refers to an impairment in the ability to communicate and interact with others effectively, characterized by interactions with environment, joint attention, imitation in play, turn-taking, and sharing. We focus on working with families to support non-verbal language and peer-to-peer interaction. We work with neurodiverse children, from Down syndrome, autism, sensory processing disorder, and neurogenic disorders.
As children learn to produce new words, it is common for him/her to make mistakes. A speech sound disorder occurs when these mistakes continue past a certain age. Articulation disorders focus on speech sound errors such as distortions and substitutions (child produces /w/ for /r/ or "wabbit" for "rabbit"). Phonological disorders focus on predictable, rule-based errors such as fronting, stopping, and final consonant deletions, that affect more than one sound. Children with phonological disorders are at an increased risk for difficulties acquiring literacy skills once they are of school-age.
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder in which the child's brain has difficulty coordinating the complex oral movements needed to produce sounds, syllable, and words. These difficulties are not due to muscle weakness or paralysis, but rather a disconnect between the brain the body parts (e.g., lips, jaw, tongue) needed for speech. The child knows what he/she wants to say, but his/her brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to produce these sounds, syllables, and words. Children with CAS are often extremely difficult to understand. CAS is often confused with other speech sound disorders and can only be diagnosed by a Speech and Language Pathologist.
Physical Therapy
Our Physical Therapists specialize in the gross motor development of children and work closely with families to help their children meet and exceed milestones, from birth and beyond. Our physical therapy treatment areas of expertise include...
We work with children to help improve physical situations and mobility. Through the implementation of therapeutic approaches, equipment, and strategies, we can help to improve motor skills such as: rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, climbing, and many more!
Our Physical Therapists help to coach families through ways to increase:
Range of Motion
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy includes activities of daily living, such as feeding, social participation, education, play, and rest/sleep. Our Occupational Therapists work with families to promote development in natural, every day environments and activities.
Sensory processing is our brain's way of relating to our world, experiences, and provides us information about our body. Children who are still developing are bombarded with new sensations daily, as well as with sensations that they are already familiar with. The brain is required to organize this information and respond to it. Occupational Therapists can help children make sense of this sensory information and learn how to utilize this information to continue to learn, experience new things, etc.
Our Occupational Therapists work with families to help develop strategies that will fit into their mealtime routines. We implement a positive approach to feeding that is focused on creating more exposure to different foods, textures, smells, etc. We help children to develop and maintain strength and coordination to be able to use utensils.